
- MaxxECU PRO / Unit only with no accessories.
- MaxxECU PRO STANDARD / ECU, harness, and accessories.
- MaxxECU PRO PREMIUM / ECU, harness, accessories, and 2x LSU 4.2
MaxxECU Pro Features
Target engines for MaxxECU Pro
- All 3-12 cylinder engines (4-stroke)
- Up to 12 cylinders fully sequentially
- Up to 12 cylinders in wasted spark
- Intake air temperature sensor (IAT)
- Coolant temperature sensor (CLT)
- Throttle position sensor (TPS)
- Dual lambda (WBO) sensor. Uses sensor directly connected to the ECU without any additional electronics. Supports Bosch LSU 4.2 and 4.9
- 2 trigger inputs. VR or digital. Automatic trigger level detection. The signals are processed by a completely separated processor for maximum performance and immunity against interference
- 6 temperature sensors. Can be used for logging or control of additional functions
- 16 0-5V inputs. Can be used for additional sensors such as measurement of fuel / oil pressure
- 10 digital inputs used for example speed sensors (4 can use VR-sensors) or switches
- Built-in 400kPa MAP-sensor for up to 3bar/43PSI of boost
- 12 EGT TYPE-K/N inputs with separate harness (up tp 1200C/2200F
- 16 peak/hold injector outputs. 1-2 high or low impedance injectors per output. 8A per output
- 12 ignition outputs. 5V signals to drive ignition modules, CDI units / coils
- 30 extra outputs for additional features. Can be adjusted to control virtually anything like fuel pumps, idle valves. GPO 1-8 (2A), GPO 9/10 (5A), GPO 11-14(2A), GPO 15-23 (12V sourcing, 4A), GPO 23-30 (1.5A)
- Dual E-Throttle support
- CAN bus for expansion modules, OEM vehicle CAN, ODBII
- USB communication for tuning with MTune
- Bluetooth for connecting to mobile devices with MDash
- 8MB memory for internal logging, up to 1000Hz
- Supply voltage 8-22V
- ARM Cortex-M3 120MHz main processor. Three extra processors to handle the triggers, injectors, and EGT
- Resolution on ignition: 0.1 degrees
- Resolution on injectors: 0.001 ms
- Updates the fuel and ignition calculations 2000 times per second
- The fastest PC communication on the market
- 50Hz sampling rate on all EGT inputs
- 1000Hz sampling rate on all analog inputs
- Weight: 1137g
- 252x180x40mm excluding protruding connectors
- Built-in accelerometer up to 8G
- Waterproofed aluminum case with shock absorbers